Duplicate Posts

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Joined: Thu Apr 15, 2004 9:43 am
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Duplicate Posts

Post by simmitc »

There have been a lot of duplicate posts recently. This seems to be caused by the site being a little slow. Someone clicks the "Submit" and nothing seems to happen, so they click the button again, and get two posts.

PLEASE, when posting, be patient. Click the submit buton ONCE and then wait up to a minute. Only after that should you try again. I know it's a pain, when you're not sure whether you clicked or not, but 99 times out of 100 you did. Also, most of the time, the post does work in a reasonable time, so just try and resist the temptation to click again. Thank you.

I think that I've got rid of all the duplicates for now, but feel free to report any that I've missed.
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