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any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:43 pm
by marcusthemoose
i was just wondering if there were any scouts, leaders, even ex scouts on the forum. i belong to Verwood ESU. in the east dorset district. i am also soon to be an assistant cub leader in 2nd verwood group.

(and if anyone comes out with dyb dyb dyb, dob dob dob i might just go a bit mad)

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:24 pm
by stevey
yep I run the sydenham explorer scout group. and like all good scouts i make sure i carry enough spares just in case. always prepared!!! :D

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:49 am
by frosty
Queen scout in 1971

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:49 pm
by mattsdad
I am chairman of the exec committe of our local scout group, my wife is the Beaver Scout leader, our eder son is an Explorer scout and young leader and the younger son is a scout- he will be going to next years world jamboree in Sweeden so is busily raising funds for this.

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:57 pm
Not a Scout, but Boys Brigade Lieutenant and we are starting back next Monday night at Whiteabbey Methodist.

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:24 pm
by marcusthemoose
didn't know the boys brigade was still about to be honest! good to see some scouters on here. today our explorer unit helped park cars at the local show. plenty of minors there including mine for the first time.

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:25 am
by //no.comment
hey, im a venture scout, oh sorry i should probs say network now, dammit. and we have a 120 strong unit(explorers and network, plus leaders)

just if anyones interested this is one of our busses, this picture was taken a couple of years ago when we drove all the way down to slovenia in it! just one of its few "failure to proceed" moments!
its an ex raf crew bus and it adds a whole new dimension to all of out trips, where ever we go we get waved at, stared at, and recognised( sometimes this is a bad thing, weve turned up at campsites in eastern europe and theyve recognised the bus and remembered our exploits from last time...)

we are also holding a classic car show on the 11th of september, this may be of interest to anyone in or around sheffield check out the website! all profits will be going to the scout groups who organise it so please help out!

oh and has anyone done the apex challenge before? its a national event run by past and present woodseats venture unit members mainly, its well worth entering, unfortunately this years competition is full already!

oh and if anyones interested in what we get up to this is a snapshot!

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:55 pm
I 'am a seascout scipper, we travel with ships. Our ''bus'' is a old freightership build in 1921.[frame]Image[/frame]
No Morris engine but English, it's a old Perkins.
This year we had a 4 week boat hike to France, 30 children, 7 scouting sealingboats, 10 canoes and the mothership Olympus.
It was great!

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:59 pm
by MColes
KEEPONMINORING wrote:I 'am a seascout scipper, we travel with ships. Our ''bus'' is a old freightership build in 1921.[frame]Image[/frame]
That's just showing off :P :lol:

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:19 pm
by MarkyB
No spelling badge for you, Skipper!

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:03 pm
by cadetchris
used to be assistat leader to 82nd newcastle and 1st bottesford. also went to the jamboree in thailand a few years ago.
ahh memories of planning meetings and the inevitable hangover in the morning

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:21 pm
by Ondergard
DAVIDMCCULLOUGH wrote:Not a Scout, but Boys Brigade Lieutenant and we are starting back next Monday night at Whiteabbey Methodist.

Give my love to Whiteabbey, David! (And did you get to see Jackie M recently, and pass on my best wishes?)

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:38 am
by Lawrenz-of-Arabia
Yes, indeed.

Was involved since a baby, taken on my first camp aged 8months old - my Father was involved for nigh on 50 years from the age of ten and was a CSL, SL and GSL so it's in the blood!

I went through Cubs, Scouts, Ventures, oops, sorry, Venture Scouts :roll: and was then ASL, SL and VSLeader and a member of the activities and service team at our county campsite - Silver Cross.

Was with an Air Scout Group in South Wales. Was also part of the Welsh Air Activities Team alongside my Uncle who was Scouts Air Activities Advisor for Wales. This meant lots of great camps and air activities involving various air shows and so on.

Dropped out a few years back due to work committments and disillusionment with internal politics.

No Scouting where I am now - Saudi Arabia - but still get the chance to go and camp out in the desert of a weekend in winter when it's cooler.

Don't miss the politics and gerrymandering, but do miss the camping and camaraderie.

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:42 pm
by jtd.75
Touche. I was a scout leader for 18 years then moved on to venture scout leader finishing up as ADC.Venture Scouts Leader ON Anglesey retired in 2000, and the reason for all that was not to give something back :D but I completly enjoyed it :lol:. All the hassle was worth it untill HSE became over the top. I was never a scout, I was a army cadet b4 comming a paratrooper.

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:14 pm
by chrisryder
I'm a member of Bromsgrove Network, and a Lickey Cub Scout Pack Assistant, and i've been known to help out with the odd Droitwich Scout camp sometimes too...[frame]Image[/frame]
...and i've been a Beaver, Cub, Scout, and an Explorer along the way!

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:48 am
by d_harris
What the heck is an explorer scout?

I remember there being beaver scouts, cub scouts, scouts, and venture scouts... (I did all but venture, and quit before I was expelled from scouts)

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:21 am
by chrisryder
It used to be:

Beavers 6-8
Cubs 8-10.5
Scouts 10.5-16
Ventures 16-something... 21 maybe?

Now it's:
Beavers 6-8
Cubs 8-10.5
Scouts 10.5-14
Explorers 14-18
Network 18-25

They squeezed Explorers in there as Ventures could do alot of fun things having to drag 16year olds around with them. They couldn't go out drinking for example (althought that isn't the only reason...) Also 10.5-16 was a big age range for scouts so there were some big lads and relatively small lads all running around together.

Not sure when they changed those around, but i joined Explorers when i was 14 and that was 7 years ago now, so it's been changed for a while!

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 12:15 pm
by moray
resurrecting an old thread.

I'm a cub scout leader with 1st Deepdene scout group.

I've taken my traveller on a few camps, and it's often at the hall.

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 11:24 pm
by GBond
I was a scout from the time I was 5 up to about 18, even went to the 1995 and 1998-99 World Jamborees and the 1996 Pan-American Jamboree!

I'd love to know if I might have ran into any other members there.

Re: any fellow scouters on the forum?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:03 pm
by marcusthemoose
thats pretty cool!
i must admit ive taken a back seat in the last few years, with university and work taking over my life a bit too much. i'm actualy just starting to plan my queens scout expedition- just over a year left to do it, as it needs to be completed by the time im 25 and im 24 this sunday!

had never thought that this thread would bring up scouters from other countries- might be a possible to link up and exchange stories etc, as i still have ties with the scout group and there are badges and chalenges for international links