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New Traveller Woodwork Out of Square

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:09 pm
by danmux
I am trial fitting a fully assembled good quality new woodwork kit for my traveller.

A diagonal measurement on the LHS is 1cm shorter than the RHS. They are not done up tight and as the frames are new they are rigid and have no play, except for a mm or two due to springiness in the timber under some stress.

To confirm no ill effects from the trial fitting, with the frames off and lying one on top of the other, or re-taking measurements results in exactly the same difference.

This difference means that the boot floor is now down and out by 7mm each on the LHS.

1. Is this kind of tolerance normal? It does not feel like a huge amount, but its also a bit surprising, for such good quality frames.
2. If not: what is the remedy?
2. If so: I assume I can still achieve square rear doors, and accept a 7mm 'twist' in the whole back 'plane' - by fettling the rear boot floor up and in 7mm on the left?

Hoping to make progress this long weekend, but It's too important to rush as well. Any words of wisdom greatly appreciated.


Re: New Traveller Woodwork Out of Square

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:33 pm
by philthehill
The problem with wood is that it is (or was) a living thing and even cut to exact tolerances will distort/move/shrink/expand over time especially if not fully seasoned.
Personally I would go back to the supplier and explain the problem and see what they have to say.
If the supplier cannot help you may have to fettle the joints to get the dimensions correct.
Whilst this is not a perfect solution sometimes it has to be done.
I agree this is not a job to be rushed as once it is glued it is hard to make further adjustments.

Re: New Traveller Woodwork Out of Square

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:53 pm
by danmux
Thanks Phil.

The frames are fully assembled by the supplier screwed and glued - I am not sure I can loosen the joints enough without damage, or at least I don't have the knowledge and woodworking skill to do it without damage.

I will contact them and see what their advice is, sadly my long arranged plans for the long weekend (and 2 days off work) will have to be rearranged.

(Rabbie Burns springs to mind!)

Re: New Traveller Woodwork Out of Square

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 3:47 pm
by philthehill
Thank you for the explanation as regards the frames.
From your description above I had assumed wrongly as it turns out that though assembled the side frames had not been screwed and glued. As they had been glued and screwed the frames could be placed on top of each other and the discrepancy discovered.
I would still go back to the supplier and explain what you are finding and ask for his advice though you may still have to fettle one or both of the frames to get it right.
Unless the frames are assembled on a jig so that they are all exactly the same there is bound to be some variance.
Ask if the frames are assembled on a jig?

Re: New Traveller Woodwork Out of Square

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:33 pm
by danmux
Tim from Woodies replied first thing this morning, and reassured me that this is a normal tolerance.

A combination of a few tweaks at the B post, boot floor, and and a bit of pressure sees everything come together OK.

I must say the timber is extremely good quality with consistent colouration and grains sympathetic to the frame shape. The full kit of bits has also really helped the job move along well.

Thanks for your advice Phil, as a newby to travellers it was definitely a good shout to talk to the experts. Now back to fettling the rear arch lip ...


Re: New Traveller Woodwork Out of Square

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:04 pm
by philthehill
I am pleased that you got a positive reply. :D
Keep up the good work and please do remember to post some photos of your progress.

Re: New Traveller Woodwork Out of Square

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 12:54 am
by danmux
So I thought I'd post some pictures of (slow) progress...
