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Coronavirus - classic delivery OK?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:02 pm
by Oldmogman
Got to deliver groceries to my father, who can't leave the house because of coronavirus, and was thinking of taking them over in my Morris.

However, I've heard so many stories about the ridiculously over-zealous behaviour of the police during the current restrictions that I wonder if driving a classic car instead of a modern might be deemed a 'non-essential' trip?!

Have any other members experienced problems? Or am I just getting paranoid about the jackbooted ones?!

Re: Coronavirus - classic delivery OK?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:06 pm
by ampwhu
Been using mine for a couple of weeks now to deliver my mums shopping. Passed loads of the law and they've ignored me.

Copper who lives a couple of doors along from my mum commented on the condition of my van saying how nice it looked in the sunlight.....

Re: Coronavirus - classic delivery OK?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:09 pm
by GavinL
We did our weekly shop in our Midget last weekend - it's a car so I can't see the issue, although I understand how you feel, in the current situation you feel guilty for doing anything which could be perceived as frivolous. On a web forum one Morris Minor driver said he always takes an essentials shopping list with him, in case he gets challenged :)

Re: Coronavirus - classic delivery OK?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:54 pm
by ianmack
I’ve been out food shopping in my Minor. The deciding factor should be the necessity of the journey, which vehicle you use is irrelevant.

Re: Coronavirus - classic delivery OK?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:59 pm
by myoldjalopy
Exactly. It doesn't matter what you are driving if you are delivering essential supplies to a vulnerable, isolating individual, or just getting your own essentials - as long as the vehicle is roadworthy, insured etc. and you have a licence to drive. I have no choice anyway, as I don't have another car, just the Morris :D

Re: Coronavirus - classic delivery OK?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:11 pm
by Monty-4
Oldmogman wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:02 pm However, I've heard so many stories about the ridiculously over-zealous behaviour of the police during the current restrictions that I wonder if driving a classic car instead of a modern might be deemed a 'non-essential' trip?!
I've had no issues doing my shopping rounds in the Morris, which have involved sitting next to police cars at traffic lights, etc.

Remember scummy newspapers and now Facebook make money through click-baity exaggeration and spreading drama. Anything to get more eyes on the page and therefore ad views.

Re: Coronavirus - classic delivery OK?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:02 am
by burnham28
Isn't it wonderful that we can criticise and castigate our police force without fear of retribution unlike some other countries, and thank goodness for bent coppers without whom we would not have half the television dramas.

Re: Coronavirus - classic delivery OK?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:56 am
by Admin
It doesn't seem unreasonable to believe that using your Minor for an essential journey is at least as sensible as using a modern - if your Minor should let you down then you have half a shot at resolving the issue without recourse to the AA, while in the modern all you can do is call for a tow truck. I would personally expect any cop to understand that should you be pulled over and explain yourself reasonably to him, but if not then I'd hope that being a responsible person you'd accept his/her judgement and comply. The police have no more experience of enforcing lockdowns than we have of being in one, and are clearly doing their very best in extraordinarily difficult circumstances and so should be afforded every possible assistance - they certainly don't need someone arguing the toss with them at the side of the road. Just to be clear, there won't be any slagging off of the police on this forum - Facebook or elsewhere is the place for that, thanks :wink:

Re: Coronavirus - classic delivery OK?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:05 pm
by Sleeper
Not slagging off the police but surely you can refuse the fine and go to court ... explain to the learned chap on the bench ( he's probably got a Traveller anyway ) and walk away scot free...

John ;-)

Re: Coronavirus - classic delivery OK?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:55 pm
by ampwhu
Why would anybody slag the police force? We will all need them one day. I have a close mate whose a copper and hes a top bloke. They do a difficult job very well.

Re: Coronavirus - classic delivery OK?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:36 pm
by Owlsman
Very slightly off topic but I live within about 3 miles from the edge of the Peak National Park, so for years before and during lockdown I have cycled there. Since lockdown it's near perfect cycling conditions as there's hardly any traffic of course. Of what traffic there is, I think there's a disproportionate amount of classics cars now.

On an 18 mile bike ride today, I've seen 1 MGBGT, 2 MGB roadsters, a Hillman Avenger estate, 3 Morgans all 'in convoy' and just as I was entering the Park boundary a Ferrari (no idea what model) screamed passed me what must have been 70/80 mph - if not more, in a 40 mph zone. I heard it about 1 minute before it passed me then I could here it screaming around other country roads before 5 minutes later, coming back towards me travelling even faster. Clearly, he'd left his list of 'essentials' on the kitchen table :D . Oh how I wish there'd been a speed camera pointing out the back of a van! Some people just don't get it and are really taking the...….

Coincidentally, also today, the wife of a friend and near neighbour of mine rang and mentioned that they'd been out, genuinely, for essential food supplies in their MGB to a local(ish) convenience store (only after they visited and saw that the very nearby Morrisons was heaving!) They both have 'moderns' but he thought it would be a legitimate excuse/reason to give his MG an airing, albeit a very short one, for the first time in 3 weeks. He stayed in the car while she went in for what she needed. When she came out 2 men were hovering round the car desperate to talk to my pal and have a closer look at his car. Fortunately, she quickly realised what was about to happen and instructed my pal to start the engine and whisked the shopping with her into the passenger seat. They drove away immediately.

How many of us have had a similar experience when just parked up somewhere? Under normal circumstances we're delighted to stop and chat but going out in a classic under lockdown - even for quite legitimate reasons, does have this unfortunate consequence. The classic owner has to appear to be rude or a 'job's worth' or worse still, come within 2m of some random person, all for reasons that are perfectly avoidable. A different matter entirely of course, if a classic is your only means of transport.

Like most of us I suspect, I'm desperate to have a run in my Moggy but I just don't feel I can risk it at the moment. Not so much for fear of retribution from the police (who I think overall are doing a sterling job in unbelievably difficult circumstances) but for the risk of unnecessary exposure as described above, not to mention breakdown...….I mean the car, not me :D

Re: Coronavirus - classic delivery OK?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 8:26 am
by ManyMinors
Personally I haven't had any need to drive a car for at least a fortnight but if I did have to drive somewhere I'd be quite as happy to drive my Minor as anything else - just as I always do. Why on earth not??