Steering wheel, and B post seat belt anchorage. Safety improvement without destroying character? Ideas appreciated.

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Re: Steering wheel, and B post seat belt anchorage. Safety improvement without destroying character? Ideas appreciated.

Post by Chief »

jagnut66 - The stickers look nice... but for true authenticity the chrome needs more rust :lol:

In my own case the stickers mine have are just the BMC rosette and the kite badge and each are smaller than those stickers which is probably why they've been harder to track down - I had the place you bought the stickers from bookmarked for ages on the off chance one day they make the kind I had/one day if I'm rich enough to ask if they'll do a custom one... :)
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Re: Steering wheel, and B post seat belt anchorage. Safety improvement without destroying character? Ideas appreciated.

Post by Leroy »

Thanks Sleeper (John),

that at least explains the anchor points in my "62 are there, though not why they seem a bit substandard, and the upper one too low.

I've had a better look at my reel (bottom) attachment, and it seems to have a reasonably solid anchor for the very end of the belt, while the reel itself (ie the other end of the belt) is anchored into the sill slightly in front of this by a second, long bolt, with a bracket linked back to the first anchor. So it has a double anchor, but the long bolt for the reel itself has a spacer which sets the reel a long way out from the sill, presumably to allow it to let the belt be pulled out without getting jammed. But this long distance would generate a huge amount of torque if I accidentally argued with an SUV or an Audi and launched my (not minor) weight into the belt.

This extra anchor seems to be a bodge done to fit a retractable belt (of not very impressive design) instead of a static one, which I think would have been a better choice in the first place. To add to my dislike of the contraption my reel jams a fair bit when trying to loosen it to pull across to clip it, and then lets a fair bit of slack go before it locks when tugged, so I intend to ditch both retractable belts and fit static ones until I can come up with a more secure harness arrangement one day. And I'll get that extra hole in the sill welded up.

Like jagnut66 I now feel undressed without putting on a seat belt these days, after years of being trained to do it automatically, and listening to modern nanny state cars making rude noises at me when I think it's ok to drive 50 yards without one. I took enough chances falling off in my motorbike days, with little or no real protection, and I'm now too old and decrepit to want to damage anything unnecessarily.

This whole topic started out as more of a bleat about inconvenience than a serious comment on safety when I started the post, but I've now been reminded by people's insights just how ignorance can have its down side.
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