What Would You like from a Branch Rally.?

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What Would You like from a Branch Rally.?

Post by Oddball67 »

We're planning our 2018 Branch Rally and given things are changing we thought we'd do some homework of what Fellow MMOC members would like to have when attending.

We'd welcome your thoughts and input as it may help us to get as many attendees

a) Do you mind paying for the rally or expect it free.?
if it was free would you mind contributing to the branch, after all it's a main source of raising club funds?
What about contributing to prizes?
b) Pre booking.
Would you like to Pre-book (if cheaper) or turn up on the day?
c) Do you like different venues each year?
d) what do you expect from a branch rally?
Judging. Across MM ranges
e) Would you mind if the Branch Rally was in conjunction with an established car show but the branch had secured an area?
f) Toilets and Café on site.?
g) Arrival, and departure time?
h) Time for prize giving, 2pm,3pm,4pm?
i) Contribution towards local charity that branch is supporting.
j) Undercover area, buildings?
k) Concourse section?
l) Stalls. Encouraging people to sell wares. Autojumble.?
M) How can we attract Young Members?
N) Photo's. Would like to see these posted on our website or even purchase one if there was a professional/enthusiastic photographer on site
O) Would you prefer a Night time rally, even with camping, Saturday or Sunday?

We really would like to capture input from MMOC members in order we can make our Branch rally appeal to most so would sincerely welcome your input and comments.

Thanking you for your input.
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Re: What Would You like from a Branch Rally.?

Post by firedrake1942 »

a) Do you mind paying for the rally or expect it free.?
Happy to pay but it needs to be value for money. The National this year is a case in point. Separated areas for cars, camping and arena felt as if cars attending but not resident were second class citizens. Displays of Mountain bikes doing strange stunts are simply not my thing. Paint drying was more interesting. Master Class in maintenance i.e. basic service, front suspension, seat rebuild, electric. breakdown basics at various times across the day would be good It was notable that only one or two of the main restorers suppliers attended. Three auto jumble stalls (Saturday at least) Some this was location far south but the venue itself was dire.

if it were free would you mind contributing to the branch, after all it's a main source of raising club funds? .
See above.

What about contributing to prizes?
Depends what for ! Flowers and silverware for Mrs Miggins long service in making scones every year since 1893 ???

b) Pre booking.
Would you like to Pre-book (if cheaper) or turn up on the day?
Organisers need to know base line numbers of who is coming. I don't think there should be too much of a demarcation in terms of fees between pre book and turn up.

c) Do you like different venues each year?
In general yes , unless the static venue has such a draw, it is worth coming back, or like this years national where there was absolutely nothing redeeming about the venue - unless you liked listening to the locals slaughtering the wildlife in the woods..

d) what do you expect from a branch rally?
For me the Southern Regional was a class act and should be emulated.
Judging. Across MM ranges

e) Would you mind if the Branch Rally was in conjunction with an established car show but the branch had secured an area?
See above re Southern Regional. You can't please everyone for a national or a large branch rally. The fact that SRR was at Beaulieu and had a massive auto jumble was a real plus. There was much more life there than at this year's National. I have long advocated that the cost of these things can no longer be sensibly borne by one car club and National rallies or large branch / regionals should be combined with other similar marques i.e. Morris Cars or BMC cars with separate areas for each marque. This would be likely to attract both suppliers who deal in common spares i.e. A Series engines and Auto jumble Stalls for the same reason. It would also be less parochial and economies of scale may allow bigger better venues. Imagine one with Issigonis designed cars at Gaydon ...../ Beaulieu

f) Toilets and Café on site.?
A No brainer! The one decent thing at this years National was the Fish and Chips!

g) Arrival, and departure time?
Needs to be flexible. Dictates that people cannot enter after 0930 or leave before 1630 will dissuade people, I know this from own branch feedback. People have differing needs and should not be restricted.

h) Time for prize giving, 2pm,3pm,4pm?
Many people live on day 2 before a late prize giving !

i) Contribution towards local charity that branch is supporting.
Invited not compulsory. Many people give to their own preferred charity. Sometimes it is like mugging.

j) Undercover area, buildings?
Given the weather in the UK , not a bad idea if feasible.

k) Concourse section?
Regionals / National only as at present. If Concours is aspired to they will attend. Nothing stopping them from coming and exhibiting, even in a separate section if a previous concours marking at one of the earmarked rallies.It would give us all something to aim for if so inclined, without the preciosity of formal concours.

l) Stalls. Encouraging people to sell wares. Autojumble.?
An absolute must. Not just professional sellers either. Many people have loads of stuff in their garage, potentially surplus to requirements. A nominal fee to sell for club members would be attractive. One of the main reasons I went to Beaulieu and would go again !

M) How can we attract Young Members?
Not just young but female as well! (We are a male oriented and dominated interest area) Good sound easy to maintain cars that don't need a computer. Easily modded. Ask the Young Section why they are there and how they would attract their peers.

N) Photo's. Would like to see these posted on our website or even purchase one if there was a professional/enthusiastic photographer on site.
I don't think you need to pay a professional for these. As people to contribute pictures they have taken to a website or web address. I have loads of the early 80's Minors on Tour.....

O) Would you prefer a Night time rally, even with camping, Saturday or Sunday?
I personally hate discomfort and for me camping equals damp clothing, even in good weather. If we could organise something at some sort of Butlin's type venue with accommodation...... Evening Hog Roast type events would be great although veggies etc would need to be catered for. Decent beer tent - decent ales etc. Perhaps combine with a beer festival - Need time to sober up before driving tho....

All IMHO - hope it helps. We have our small branch rally at an established local motor show and the atmosphere seems better than simply Minors - wonderful though they are !
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Re: What Would You like from a Branch Rally.?

Post by millerman »

Firedrake , good post. I would add having an optional road run as part of the rally

MMOC National Committee please take note :wink:
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Re: What Would You like from a Branch Rally.?

Post by toulky »

millerman wrote:Firedrake , good post. I would add having an optional road run as part of the rally

MMOC National Committee please take note :wink:
Obviously an “optimist”. :wink:
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Re: What Would You like from a Branch Rally.?

Post by qwerty165 »

I would second a road run really enjoyed the one that was organised for the MVA rally. A good auto jumble is a must, as for location I think it is alright moving it unless you find a perfect location that offers everything you are looking for. As for price all you need is value for money such as Morris register rally (MVA rally) - entry £5 per person camping £5 per night which included the entry to a car collection on the road run and the entertainment.

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Re: What Would You like from a Branch Rally.?

Post by firedrake1942 »

I had not thought of a road run but if all our cars are for is to sit in a field it is a pretty poor show. As a branch, convoying to various locations promotes the marque beyond the club, and people always smile at Minors in convoy. May take some organising and liaising with the local authority (its) and the fuzz but why not. Got to be better than simply sitting around and new locations and landmarks can be experienced. Plenty of support if breakdowns happen. Now if there is a secondhand bookshop on the way......

All my comments apply to larger branch / regional rallies but especially to the National which used to be the Jewel in the Crown of the MMOC.

2018 is the 70th anniversary of the first production Minor. It ought to be something special. I would hope that MMOC Central do take note but cannot help feeling that Toulky may be right !
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Re: What Would You like from a Branch Rally.?

Post by Oddball67 »

Thank you for your ongoing responses, it's very interesting to read.


I especially take your note on the MMOC National having to address it's current policy on location and site entertainment.
Don't get me wrong, I accept it's a role done my enthusiasts and you can't please everyone, but apart from turning up and seeing friends, locally and from other branches, I mainly enjoy the Autojumble.

Personally I find it strange that the MMOC appear not to get involved with other main events, Silverstone Classic for an example which is attended by many other clubs and provided much entertainment.
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Re: What Would You like from a Branch Rally.?

Post by dalebrignall »

i would like to second the post about the silverstone classic , all the other clubs go , we are the biggest club and we dont go . ive got to be frank the national rally for me was not good , the cars were in different fields , no mainstay traders selling parts on the sunday , the scarcrow theam was fun as was the interbranch challange . but i must point out i had saftey concerns when this was going on , what would of happened if a driver lost control of there car people watching protected by a piece of rope . think we need to do things that does not involve driving or pushing cars .food tor thaught .
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