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What new hell is this?

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:29 pm
by Maurice_Minor
Watching a documentary the other night claiming Queen Elizabeth I was a geezer in drag. They clam that's why "She" wore so much makeup & wore high collars, to hide her Adams apple.
Below is Cate Blanchett doing a brilliant rendition of our great Queen's Tilbury speech, except now you must imagine her voice is that of Arthur Mullard, Most 60+ will know who that was.
(For your convenience I have put an extra link to Arthur Mullard so you can imagine Elizabeth I speaking in his voice)

Tilbury Speech:

Arthur Mullard & Hilda Baker in song:

Re: What new hell is this?

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:46 pm
by rocco
There's all sorts of rubbish online. I saw something yesterday that claimed Elvis was a woman! Elvis of all people! :o

Re: What new hell is this?

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 5:47 pm
by Maurice_Minor
It wasn't "On-line" the "Documentary" was on mainstream TV. The problem with the whole theory is if Elizabeth I had been a bloke in drag, he couldn't have done a female voice.
No one would have been fooled.
Imagine this clip with Her Mag with a bloke's voice, the Spanish would have yelled, "That's ain't no lady! Its a geezer in disguise!"

Re: What new hell is this?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:11 pm
by Monty-4
Everyone knows the royals are actually alien lizard people!

... or at least those who spend a little too much time online!

Re: What new hell is this?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:18 am
by Maurice_Minor
The internet has exploded with the release of photos allegedly showing Her Majesty appearing in her "Lizard" mode. One beret wearing, anti-monarchist, bespactacled, goaty bearded troll in sandals, screamed, "Why do you think she was called "Elizabeth?" They were mocking we the oppressed peasantry, E-LIZ-abeth! We must rise up as one & hunt down the "Lizard People" before its too late" The man was later returned to Rampton high-security psychiatric hospital.
queen-elizabeth-lizard.jpeg (77.14 KiB) Viewed 2784 times