Spotted in todays paper

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Spotted in todays paper

Post by moggiethouable »

Regardless of your views on brexit,represented by the car with its wheels missing, good to see the Marque wont die................ever.[frame]Image[/frame]
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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by dalebrignall »

i like that :D
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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by BrianHawley »

Interesting axle stubs.

What year was that I wonder?

Image "Jodie". '67 Traveller, 1275, discs, suspension mods etc.
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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by jagnut66 »

The reason it isn't going anywhere is that the majority of MP's and the wealthy elite (fronted by Gina Miller), having lost the referendum, are determined to derail BREXIT at every opportunity.
Even if Mrs. May presented a very credible exit strategy they would find some excuse to block it.
They lost, they don't like it and they are determined to get their way at whatever cost, even if it means causing the 'constitutional crisis' that the press keep going on about.
Mind you there never was anything democratic about the Remainers, given the chance we would never of even had a referendum in the first place, it was just that David Cameron was riding on the high of winning a Scottish referendum and he thought he could win anything.
What they can't get away from is that (like it or not) we had a choice and we democratically voted to leave, so by stopping it, which is what our MP's will do given the chance, even though they haven't the guts to say that to our faces, they can never claim to represent us again.
There is no democracy in Britain, we are just a two party state and when they come to power we find that they are simply two sides of the same coin.
And as for the left wing Brussels Broadcasting Corporation....................
I do sympathise with Mrs. May, I think she might like to deliver on our vote and I think it would be a better country in the long term if she succeeded but if we actually manage to leave the EU you can call me a Dutchman......

1954 Series 2: 4 door: "Sally" -- Back on the ground with (slave) wheels and waiting to be resprayed......
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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by dudload »

As a brexit voter, I thought you would appreciate Gina Miller and the high courts decision. After all, the ruling ensured the power in the UK parliament stays with MPs rather than having acts/laws being dictated by a pm. Ironic that the brexiteers are aghast at this considering they cite that the Eu overriding our parliament as one of the main reasons they want out. Surely getting 'the Eu out' only to have an autocratic leader with unlimited powers take its place wouldn't be the ideal solution? It's not about stopping brexit, it's ensuring its done properly with oversight as per any other act of parliament.

PS 37% of the uk population isn't a clear majority.

Anyway, this wasn't meant to be a political thread...
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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by les »

It's making a good job of sounding like one! :roll:

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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by jagnut66 »

If you think Pro EU Gina Miller isn't about stopping BREXIT then I believe you will be surprised.

As for this being a non political thread, BREXIT is a very raw subject, being the minority (including our, supposed to be elected to represent our will not oppose it, MP's) and the remain camp is the minority, like it or not, seem determined to undermine the will of the majority ( and 37% is still a majority like it or not - had it been the other way round you'd have been crowing).

However, I admit that this argument will continue, so maybe it's better this thread is locked and we agree not to raise that would be Brussells (read German) led superstate on here again.
1954 Series 2: 4 door: "Sally" -- Back on the ground with (slave) wheels and waiting to be resprayed......
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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by POMMReg »

Must bear in mind the IN/OUT vote was also open to the Sun reading masses, who - despite the blame lying soley at corporations, inept/fraudulent bankers & the greedy political elite - find it easier to blame migrants for taking jobs, driving down wages.

Sure "Maygobblin" will put something together so the UK's half and half in/out.
Further investigations uncovered it was an inside job!!
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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by jagnut66 »

I agree with most of what you say POMMReg, although cheap immigrant labour has been used / exploited by greedy corporations to keep wages of the average working man low to the point many can hardly survive on them, let alone afford their own home.
And Labour will just let even more in and call us racist if we object.
As for your Sun reading masses comment, though I don't read it myself, I firmly believe on June 23rd the people of this country made up their own mind and made a choice and the political / wealthy elite do not have the right to question that.
Not and still call this country a democracy at any rate.................
1954 Series 2: 4 door: "Sally" -- Back on the ground with (slave) wheels and waiting to be resprayed......
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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by Nickol »

Democracy is a lot more than one Person one vote. It is a social System, a System based on law where laws are formed by consent and not through political or religous Dogma. It is about protection of rights of individuals and the fact that individuals have any rights at all. The Brexiters did not win, nobody won either in UK or in the rest of the EU. All the majority decision did was to usher in a period of confusion and political uncertainty. Uncertainty is what economic markets dislike the most.

The decision of UK to leave the EU may or may not be final. It may or may not be a wise decision. Certainly in my opinon a great mistake. However, the damage has been done. It should not be changed for one Thing is certain amongst the uncertainties. The british are no longar trustworthy european Partners. They have spent too much time and effort in the past in securing the "best deal for Britain", which in itself is not unreasonable of course, but it has too often been at the expense of the european ideal. That is what being amember of the EU is all about.

One is tempted to Quote Lloyd George, himself paraphrasing Cromwell to Charles I with the words "Go, go I tell you - for all the good you have done".
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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by Hubert »

BrianHawley wrote:Interesting axle stubs.
They are exactly the same as on my Saico model of a Morris Minor!
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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by Rasputin »

Nice to see Jeremy Clarkson and co driving a Minor :wink:
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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by John Naylor »

I joined a Morris Minor Club because I agree with its ideals. If these changed I would not remain an MMOC member.
Years ago, I voted to join a Common Market but now it seems this "Euro club" wants to govern us from Brussels. I no longer want to remain a member.

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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by jagnut66 »

Two things Nickol, firstly we in the UK have nothing against Germany or her people or the French etc for that matter, I for one love Italy.
All we want is to be independent from the EU, trade with it yes, be part of it no.
Therefore secondly we have thus rejected the 'European ideal' by our decision on the 23rd.
We see your 'wonderful EU' as nothing more than a dictatorship in the making, something it looks like other countries within the EU are beginning to realise also.
So if our politicians don't force us to stay against our will, we will go.
1954 Series 2: 4 door: "Sally" -- Back on the ground with (slave) wheels and waiting to be resprayed......
1970 Triumph Herald 1200: "Hetty" -- Driven back from Llangollen in Wales (twice.....)
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Re: Spotted in todays paper

Post by Nickol »

It would not be right to enter into a debate here about the rights and wrongs of being a bona fide member of the EU. That is far too complicated and even though I have done a lot of Research on the workings, I am still just a layman on the matter.

It is clear that most of the people who voted on the subject in the UK are even more less informed than me who did not. The subject of this thread is however, "spotted in todays paper" . The Consensus of papers I have read here, in France and in Italy ( yes, I can read all three and others as well) is that it is regretted that the referendum result decided what it did and equally that the British government indeed intend to implement it vigourously. They do not have to in such a close result and the constutions of many other countries would not Permit such a change without a substantial majority.

Be that as it may, it baffles many that it is going to take so Long before the actual application goes in. April 2017. After all, if so desperate to leave, then do it now? I have read. now it seems parliament will indeed have its say and the worse Thing to happen would be a vote by them to stay in. Neither the remaining 27 member states nor UK deserve this. The papers see this as a tactic to secure a better deal on trading rights and "Der Welt" for example reflect on past experiences where the British were prepared to wreck a common approach if they did not get any clear Advantage - Maastricht was cited. the end result was that the British got certain privaledges.

Leaving Emotion and rhetoric aside, it will be interesting to see how things develop. and to see which speculations prove correct and what new surprises are in store.

One Thing is fairly certain from my observance,there will be no winners.
Gott schütze mich vorm Sturm und Wind und Autos, die aus England sind.
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