They Just Can't Wait....

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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by firedrake1942 »

I shouldn't worry Plod (I speak as an ex-plod with 31 years service) won't be watching there are far to few of them in traffic these days - it's not a 'priority' - normal police cars do not have calibrated speedos so cannot prove you were speeding in Court.

Even when you ring the (Essex - although I doubt any of the others are any better) police and then attend one of their (usually closed) police stations with a witness to appalling driving they give you a pack of drivel about requiring independent corroboration in law (they don't and apparently my 21 year old daughter is not ' independent - I can personally vouch for the fact that she is very independent) ) and row for the shore when you reveal yourself to know what you are talking about. Even complaints re lack of action on speeding just result in a missive dripping with honeyed and hackneyed buzzwords and very short on facts to justify their sheer laziness and lack of public service ethos.They don't care, are untrained and incompetent and there are simply not enough of them to care enough any more - Refuse to get off an aircraft for which you have paid and that attracts their attention quickly enough

It is the lack of enforcement and consequent lack of fear of detection which has led to lower driving standards that have been highlighted here. It is unlikely to change when police forces face massive swingeing budget cuts under this festering administration. (God! I sound like a Daily Mail reader - I will go and take some pills and lie down!)

Anyway, happy motoring !

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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by les »

Looks like you'll soon get a chance to put another administration in, good luck finding a better one! :D

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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by firedrake1942 »

That is the problem! None of them live in the real world.
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by Nickol »

I heard on the Radio just now, coincidentally while reading this thread that the Police in this Bundesland ( with nothing better to do , one might say) made one of their Easter Speed check marathons. Result is that 50 Driving licences have been taken away and numerous on the spot fines made (helps to finance the whole overtime Show) and one Person was caught doing 155km/hr in a residential 50 km Zone.

Shows there might just well be a God - normally those types escape and those with a momentarly lapse of concentration going 55 are the ones who get rapped.
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by firedrake1942 »

I have no problem with such activity. Speed limits are there for a reason and God knows I have seen enough carnage to understand them perfectly. If any irresponsible drivers had to pick up body parts and deliver death messages to parents and relatives they might think twice. My problem is with the lack of enforcement which creates a culture whereby people think that it is ok to drive like a maniac. Cars are lethal in untrained, inexperienced or plain stupid hands.
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by les »

Go on, make my day!

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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by mike.perry »

Roads that used to be de restricted have been reduced to 50mph and then 40mph. Every house has its own 30mph speed limit. Soon they will be bringing back the red flag
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by firedrake1942 »

Works for me - I know all the words !
Mark Wilson
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by Mark Wilson »

kennatt wrote:mark you've just admitted driving at 40 in a 30,hope plod isn't watching ,think I would be using the edit button :D :o :o :o but I know exactly what you mean.gets on my nerves as well.
When I learnt to drive (OK, there were still men with red flags in front of the car then :) ) I think I was taught that it was OK to accelerate sufficiently above the speed limit to overtake safely and then settle back to a lawful speed. Makes sense, but speed cameras wouldn't be able to make that judgment call.
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by BrianHawley »

I think there is a definite tendency for other drivers to think a Minor is slow, just because it looks old. Even when I'm doing approximately the maximum legal speed (ahem) they just have to get past on country roads. Never see that when I'm driving a 'fast' model of car at the same speed.

Image "Jodie". '67 Traveller, 1275, discs, suspension mods etc.
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by BrianHawley »

firedrake1942 wrote:I shouldn't worry Plod (I speak as an ex-plod with 31 years service) won't be watching there are far to few of them in traffic these days - it's not a 'priority' - normal police cars do not have calibrated speedos so cannot prove you were speeding in Court.

Even when you ring the (Essex - although I doubt any of the others are any better) police and then attend one of their (usually closed) police stations with a witness to appalling driving they give you a pack of drivel about requiring independent corroboration in law (they don't and apparently my 21 year old daughter is not ' independent - I can personally vouch for the fact that she is very independent) ) and row for the shore when you reveal yourself to know what you are talking about. Even complaints re lack of action on speeding just result in a missive dripping with honeyed and hackneyed buzzwords and very short on facts to justify their sheer laziness and lack of public service ethos.They don't care, are untrained and incompetent and there are simply not enough of them to care enough any more - Refuse to get off an aircraft for which you have paid and that attracts their attention quickly enough

It is the lack of enforcement and consequent lack of fear of detection which has led to lower driving standards that have been highlighted here. It is unlikely to change when police forces face massive swingeing budget cuts under this festering administration. (God! I sound like a Daily Mail reader - I will go and take some pills and lie down!)

Anyway, happy motoring !

Appalling driving? Dash cam, stick it on Youtube than call a journalist and say the police ignored your complaint.

Image "Jodie". '67 Traveller, 1275, discs, suspension mods etc.
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by firedrake1942 »

That's if they could spell 'journalist' It has rather too many letters !
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by Nickol »

Is it perhaps the General impoliteness that overtakes quite "normal" People when they get behind a steering wheel? We are all guilty of critisizing other road users but are we ourselves always blameless? Everyone makes mistakes sometimes and we are often grateful that another Driver recognised in advance and took appropriate Action.....and then glared at you , or worst shouted abuse.

As an aside, I made a mental exercise the other day as my Lady drove 20km to our nearest large town. We live in a rural area, one of least populated Areas of western Germany and I counted every time (secretly, I may add) she committed a traffic offence. This ranged from not resetting the rear view mirror before Setting off to not stopping at a Halt sign ( it is a clear junction and she was at less than Walking pace but the wheels were definately moving ) In all, approx 25 offences. Put all together , enough for Penalty Points without end, if anyone had been motivated enough to push it through. She is, I may add a proven safe Driver, never having had an accident in over 40 years of driving - unlike me. She has been caught speeding a couple of times - it is dead easy to overlook the signs here. The authorities seem to think that just by putting up a Speed Limit sign, they have dome their bit for road safety. No chicanes or roundabouts or other road markings like in GB, F and NL.

I do hope she does not read this!
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by ampwhu »

sometimes people that go faster than permitted are less likely than someone who poodles along on a sunday morning at 25mph, so cause an accident. what they do is annoy the people who are behind them and then those that get annoyed make silly decisions which in turn can be fateful. I'm a better driver in a modern car than I am in a classic car as if I make the wrong decision I am able to control the car better with the assistance of ABS, power steering, brakes and a better view of the road.

all those that blatantly ignore the speed limit and travel at 100mph on a motorway deserve losing their license. that's just not acceptable.
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by Nickol »

100m.p.h, that is about 160 km/hr in world currency - a quite normal Speed for us.......thanks to the German car industry Mafia.

Although, personnaly not a disiple of a "no upper Limit" ( less than half of the Autobahn System has no upper Limit) statistics seem to Show than Germany is no more accident prome than say GB @ 112 or Switzerland @ 120 but much less than France @ 130 upper Limits.

Scares the life out of me when a big Mercedes Cruises past @ over 200km/hr. Legal and lethal.

A very valid Point though, that modern cars are much better suited to higher Speeds than our minors, for example.
Last edited by Nickol on Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by ampwhu »

ive never driven in Germany, but will some day. an S class Mercedes doing 150mph is going to be like a torpedo! doubt i'd be comfortable at that speed. even with all the airbags the cars are built with, it didn't save princess Diana.
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Re: They Just Can't Wait....

Post by Nickol »

It will be an enjoyable experience, away from the usual bottlenecks, except at night. Hardly anywhere is lit and there are no cats eyes on the roads.

The tunnels all have a Speed Limit , by the way, 80 or 100 km/hr.
Gott schütze mich vorm Sturm und Wind und Autos, die aus England sind.
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