Convertible question

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Convertible question

Post by BaldyTone »

Hi all, I’m considering changing my Traveller for a convertible. Can you please tell me if there are any drawbacks with running one, it will live outside, with a decent cover. I wonder how noisy they are ( with the hood up ) ? And are there any problems with water tightness ? I will be grateful for any advise, cheers.
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Re: Convertible question

Post by ManyMinors »

Having owned both a Traveller and a Convertible for long periods I must say that in my experience the Convertible has been much the better of the 2 as far as being kept outside is concerned. I have never owned a Traveller which didn't let in SOME water but my Convertible has been almost completely free of leaks and more importantly, I don't have the constant worry of maintaining the woodwork.....
As far as noise is concerned, the Convertible is probably more noisy but a Traveller isn't exactly quiet is it and if noise was a big concern for me I probably wouldn't have a Morris Minor at all!
Based on my own experience, I would say that if you want a Convertible - go and get one. Buy a good one, look after it and it'll look after you :)
Some people will tell you to make sure you purchase an original one. I would have prefered that but in the end, I bought a converted saloon because it was in better condition than any of the originals I'd seen and quite a bit cheaper. It has served us very well. You just have to make sure you are buying what you think you are buying and don't pay over the odds for it.
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Re: Convertible question

Post by IslipMinor »

We converted our 1958 2-door saloon into a post-production convertible in 1998, and have thoroughly enjoyed it ever since.

It is mechanically very quiet, with a very slight rear axle whine at certain revs, but the main noise, with the hood up or down, is wind noise over around 60 mph. The floor has a 10mm sound deadening mat, as have the front and rear bulkheads, plus obviously carpets throughout. There are anti-drum panels inside the door skins, but nothing under the bonnet or boot lid.

It is actually remarkably civilised, but a bit worse with the hood up, albeit whenever possible it is not up! At typical motorway speeds of 70-80 mph, the exhaust is just noticeable (it is a 2" straight-through system with a cherry bomb up front and then 2 medium sized oval silencers after that), but wind is the most obvious.

Last weekend we did the ECTC Poppy Run through south and east Wales, and after 110 miles to get there on Saturday, we then did around 200 miles on Sunday, which included the Poppy Run and our return journey. All with the hood up, as it was rather wet!

Definitely get a convertible!
Last edited by IslipMinor on Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Convertible question

Post by BaldyTone »

Thanks Guys, that’s a great help, I’m a little unsure about a non genuine one, only for the reason of the new MOT regs coming in! I presume if it was done a few years ago it would matter less?
70/80 mph, you got a rocket engine in yours Richard!! :lol:
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Re: Convertible question

Post by IslipMinor »

It's a well modified 1380 Midget engine.

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